Adventure Herald
  • Adventure Travel in the Balkans
    The Balkans Travel Guide

    Many of the Balkan countries have had their fair share of troubles, particularly in the 90s where various wars broke out in the region. And, while you can still see the scars in many of these former-Yugoslavian countries, and it’s important to visit museums and significant sites relating to these wars to understand these countries, there is also […]

  • Adventure Travel in Eastern Europe
    6 of Europe’s Best Camping Spots

    With spring, summer and autumn upon us this is the perfect time of year to go camping. Whether you’re packing a sleeping bag and camping in the wild, or finding a campsite with amenities like shower blocks and electricity, there’s nothing quite like the joy of sleeping outdoors during the warmer months. Here are some […]

  • Adventure Travel in Central Europe
    Pre-Lenten Festival: Busójárás

    Before the fasting period of Lent (that leads up to the Christian celebration of Easter), many Christian countries and cultures find a way to celebrate Carnival. The Carnival period is usually in February and March – sometimes starting as early as January 6 – when there are special parties and parades, but usually there is one specific […]

  • Adventure Travel Destinations
    Slovenia Is Beautiful – And Here Is The Proof

    Cover photo by Vicente Villamón. Slovenia is a small country tucked in between Austria, Italy and Croatian. For many just a passageway to the beaches of Croatia or the ski resorts of Austria, it is still an alpine insider tip for those who love hiking and mountain biking adventures. So if you are looking for an […]

  • Adventure Travel Destinations
    The World’s Most Epic Caves

    Caves, love them or hate them there is a certain mystery surrounding these underground tunnels and caverns set inside towering mountains or wriggling under the ground beneath our feet. Humans once dwelled in them and some caves are still undiscovered to this day. While the very idea of spelunking will make even the mildest claustrophobics break […]

  • Adventure Travel Destinations
    5 Top Adventure Destinations in Europe

    You might wonder, if there is still something like real adventure in a place as mainstream and as crowded as Europe. We can tell you: there is! Even though it  is probably significantly harder to get lost in Europe’s wilderness than in the Alaskan one, there are still some destinations, that offer you some serious […]