Adventure Herald
Adventure Travel News

The Sounds of Adventure Are Awesome!

This video showing you the sounds of adventure from your steps over the splashing of the water of a crystal clear lake, when you jump in after a long hike, to the crackling of fire in the evening at your campsite. We can’t give any guarantee, that you won’t immediately grab tent and sleeping bag and go off into the wilderness to have your own outdoor adventure! Why not check out which suggestions we have for you?

Photo by Matt Ming


FIND YOURSELF OUTSIDE from Avocados and Coconuts on Vimeo.


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About the author


Barbara is a German-born Austrian with unresolved identity issues and a degree in Ecology and Nature Conservation. Three years ago, she moved to Budapest, Hungary. She travels the world whenever she can, equally chasing interesting stories and fluffy cats. She is a travel writer who loves adventure and never says no to any challenge.

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