Adventure Herald
  • Adventure Travel in Central Asia
    Adventure Travel in Siberia

    Siberia is that place often stereotyped as faraway, freezing cold, and devoid of much to see or do. But this description couldn’t be further from the truth (except for maybe the faraway part). Sibera is a vast area of land in the eastern part of Russia of more than 13 million square kilometers (about 80% of […]

  • Adventure Travel Destinations
    Winter Survival Guide to Siberia

    Photo by: Maarten Takens For most of us who live in moderate climates, the moment it dips below zero degrees Celsius we tend to label the weather as “Siberian”. However, when your average winter in Siberia can drop down to temperatures of -40 to 50°C, that’s the equivalent of comparing a Canadian winter with a Spanish summer […]

  • Adventure Travel Destinations
    More than Just Moscow: 7 Adventures in Russia

    As far as countries go, Russia has certainly got a reputation as being a place that is a little edgy. Russia is the black sheep of Europe; it’s the World’s largest country by landmass, spanning two continents and a spectrum of temperatures. While many in the West are uneasy about visiting Russia, usually for political reasons, it’s a […]

  • Motorbike Adventures
    The 5 Best Motorbike Adventures

    There is no adventure that can compete with getting on two wheels and revving off into the sunset. While undertaking your very own Easy Rider inspired road trip on home territory definitely counts as an adventure, it’s just that bit more exciting when you take your two wheels abroad chasing the best motorbike adventures in […]